Governing Board
Governing Board
The Palominas Elementary School District’s governing board consists of five community members who work together to ensure that the students in our schools receive the best education possible. The board meets together regularly to make decisions regarding school policies, budget allocations, and educational goals.
Board of Directors
11 days ago

Shanna Herrera
Request to Address the Board
The public may submit comments by 10:00 a.m. on the day of the board meeting. At the discretion of the Board President, the request(s) may be read while the Board conducts its official business. Request(s) recognized by the Board President will be limited to 5 minutes each and no more than 15 minutes of combined comments. Any additional comments will be recorded in the permanent board meeting minutes although not read out loud during the meeting. Name of the person submitting the request will be announced. Request(s) can address any item on the agenda; however, no action on any item may be taken under this section. Personal attacks upon Board members, staff personnel, or other persons in attendance or absent is discouraged. Policies KE, KEB, KEC, and KED are provided by the Board for disposition of legitimate complaints, including those involving individuals. Upon conclusion of the open call to the public the Board may, at its discretion, schedule the item(s) on future agendas for consideration.
If you would like to submit a request to address the Board please click here to fill out the request to address the board form.
Solicitud para dirigirse a la Junta
El público puede enviar comentarios antes de las 10:00 a. m. del día de la reunión de la junta. A discreción del presidente de la Junta, la(s) solicitud(es) puede(n) leerse mientras la Junta realiza sus actividades oficiales. Las solicitudes reconocidas por el Presidente de la Junta se limitarán a 5 minutos cada una y no más de 15 minutos de comentarios combinados. Cualquier comentario adicional se registrará en las actas de la reunión de la junta permanente, aunque no se leerá en voz alta durante la reunión. Se anunciará el nombre de la persona que presenta la solicitud. Las solicitudes pueden abordar cualquier tema de la agenda; sin embargo, no se puede tomar ninguna acción sobre ningún elemento en virtud de esta sección. Se desaconsejan los ataques personales a los miembros de la Junta, al personal u otras personas presentes o ausentes. La Junta proporciona las políticas KE, KEB, KEC y KED para la disposición de quejas legítimas, incluidas las que involucran a personas. Una vez concluida la convocatoria abierta al público, la Junta puede, a su discreción, programar los puntos de futuras agendas para su consideración.
Si desea enviar una solicitud para dirigirse a la Junta, haga clic aquí para completar el formulario de solicitud para dirigirse a la Junta.
Meeting Notices
We will post all notices of the meetings of the Palominas Governing Board and any of its committees and subcommittees here on the district's website and on the outside of the Valley View School/District Office location at 6849 E. Hwy 92, Hereford, AZ.
Additional courtesy locations listed below:
- Hereford Post Office, 7268 S. Hwy 92, Hereford, AZ
Palominas Elementary School, 10385 E. Hwy 92, Hereford, AZ
Coronado Elementary School, 5148 S. Coronado School Dr., Sierra Vista, AZ
Staff Members